
Dear Parents,

This week has been an exciting and eventful one. Our Foundation children completed their first full day at Leigh on Thursday and have already been busy learning their letters and sounds. The children are settling in well and are excited to share what they have learned.

Sadly we are losing some of our valued governors due to personal circumstances. All the staff would like to say a big thank you to: Lesley Abbott, Ben Drew, Dave Batten, Sarah Gamble and Hazel Thomas for all their hard work and commitment over the years to support the school. If any parents would be interested in joining the governing body at Leigh' please see the office staff or myself for more details.

Children thoroughly enjoyed a performance called 'Digging The Dirt' by Artefact. All year groups have begun with a history topic this term and the production focused on the importance of using artefacts found by archaeologists to help us to understand the past and link them to historical facts.

We are delighted with the attendance figures so far. To help support us in achieving excellent attendance, could I please remind parents that children need to be on time and in school by 8:50am.

Could I just ask parents to remind their children that they do need to bring their P.E. kit in to school if they haven't already, as some children have forgotten them.

As some of you may be aware, we hold our weekly celebration assemblies on Fridays. Parents are welcome to attend and they begin at 9:00am. From October 2nd, each class will take turns to perform their class assembly and we would like to encourage as many parents as possible to participate and support their children.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Mailer ~ Deputy Head Teacher

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