
Dear Parents,

Welcome back to another exciting year at Leigh Primary School. During the Summer Holidays we have had some refurbishment take place of the children’s play areas and some pathways. Inside the building we have had additional storage space constructed in our main hall. We have now returned to single age classes and all classrooms are now occupied by a class, as well as their teacher and teaching assistant. A bicycle storage area is to be constructed this term.

We warmly welcome 3 new members of teaching staff. Miss Mailer has joined us from St Christopher Primary School in Coventry and is our new Deputy Headteacher and Year 5 teacher. In my absence from school, please refer any urgent problems to Miss Mailer. Mr Cledwyn has joined us as class teacher in Year 3. Mr Cledwyn has taught in a variety of Coventry schools and is looking forward to teaching Year 3 this year. Mrs Knott has joined us from St Bartholomews CE Primary School to set up a Reading Recovery programme for children in Years 1 and 2 and will be working with parents and individual children to improve reading.

At lunchtime we are now joined by Mrs Morris and Miss Hemmings so that each class has its own supervisor.

At the end of this week we have 155 children on role, the highest number for several years.

Our Foundation Stage class have started their educational experiences at Leigh and will be coming in full time next Thursday. Our Foundation Stage class is nearly full.

All the children in school look very smart and well turned out. Thank you. I do hope that all children in Leigh School will wear a sweatshirt/cardigan with a school logo on it as soon as possible. We do have some nearly new sweatshirts/cardigans for sale if parents wish to purchase from the school.

Our school looks brilliant at the moment. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Malone for putting in so much extra time to get it ready for our September start.

We have a busy term ahead of us. Some significant dates for your diary already decided upon are enclosed with this newsletter.

I am looking forward to extending the educational opportunities of all children this year. We are involved in a special project with Warwick Arts Centre called Cov Kool Kids with Years 2, 4 and 5, being involved this academic year. We have also chosen to be part of a group of 50 schools spread across England who are pioneering a project that we call ASPIRE. Our aim is to give rich educational experiences to all our children while working closely with Warwick University.

Happy New School Year to one and all!

Mr R W Steward

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