
Thursday 19th November

~ Assembly ~

French: go to this web site, follow mini videos, from numbers 7-12

then menu page for next activities, copy key words into languages book.

Litercay:  Newspaper report writing.  Using what, when, where, who, why and how?  Write up yesterdays book day activities as if you are were reporters.  Write it with headline, subheading and the story.  see any cbbc newsround story for layout at:

~ Break ~

Numeracy:  Target maths - any division practice, see teacher desk for mini speed tables grids for tables practice.

~ Lunch ~

PSHE - (see SEAL folder)

Science  - (yesterdays lesson was investigating uses magnets)

Unit 3E Magnets and springs

•    to investigate an aspect of the behaviour of magnets
•    to plan a fair test and decide what to measure and what equipment to use
•    to make and record measurements
•    to draw conclusions
•    Present children with several magnets and ask them to find out whether they are all equally strong. Ask children to suggest how they will decide which magnet is strongest eg by seeing how many paper clips a magnet can hold in a chain or by finding out how close a paper clip has to be to a magnet and help them to carry out an investigation.
Present children with a magnet and a variety of materials eg card, fabric, aluminium foil, thin wood, water, iron and ask them to find out whether magnets work through these materials. Help them to decide what they will do and help them to carry out an investigation. Ask children to tell others about what their investigation showed.
•    explain how their test is fair eg using the same size paper clips or the same magnet each time
•    make accurate observations or measurements eg of the number of paper clips picked up or of the distance between the magnet and the paper clips
•    explain what their results show eg I thought the biggest magnet would be strongest but it only picked up six clips. The smallest magnet picked up eight so it was strongest, I tried different thicknesses of card but the magnet worked through them all but it didn’t work through an iron can lid

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