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During assembly this week children were given information about Operation Christmas Child. To launch this initiative, the Coventry Fire Service visited the school today and some year 2 children had their photograph taken with the firemen and their fire engine. The photo is due to be published in the Coventry Evening Telegraph sometime in the future. We would be grateful for any contributions to the shoeboxes as soon as possible – look out for more details next week.

As part of the school's continuing work on Peace and Reconciliation, Year 5 and Year 6 participated in a 'Stress and Relaxation' workshop. The objective of the session was to help them to recognise the effects of stress both physically and mentally. They were given ideas on how to relax during times of stress which will be followed up by the teachers.

The Diocese are supporting the school with some money to improve the site. At Leigh, we value the children's opinions about what improvements they think we could make. The School Council have been busy gathering children's ideas throughout the school to contribute to future developments.

A big thank you to year 2 parents who supported the school's decision to rearrange the assembly. Unfortunately Miss Benwell was poorly but she is very much looking forward to seeing you all there at 9:00am on Monday 12th October to watch the children.

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