
The Learning Mentor

Our Learning Mentor

Mrs Brook - School Council, Friendship Squad, Lunchtime Clubs, Share and lots more
Please come in and meet Mrs Brook, she is more than happy to discuss how we can help your child enjoy learning more at school.

We value all our children and consequently have employed a full time Learning Mentor to ensure that all children reach their full potential. Through taking a holistic view of the learning process, a Learning Mentor works to identify barriers to learning for individuals, groups or children as a whole. Then, by working in partnership with families, others professionals (both within school and out of school) they will devise and employ strategies to help remove these barriers.

Mrs Brook is working hard on the following areas:
  • Attendance - working to raise our attendance figures by introducing initiatives to reward full attendance and punctuality.
  • The Children's Achievement Award - raising self-esteem by reward pupils for undertaking extra curricular challenges.
  • Friendship Squad - working in partnership with the West Midland Police to develop links for children between home and school life.
  • School Council - to raise pupil voices, foster independence and develop leadership skills
    Share – Family Learning initiative for reception parents to raise participation and awareness of school life.
  • Lunchtime clubs - as a chance to develop social skills alongside speaking and listening.
  • Posh Nosh - an initiative to reward positive lunchtime behaviour.
  • Drop in sessions - to enable pupils to share any achievements, worries or concerns.

Mentoring is a support strategy used to value individuals to enable them to be all that they can be ~ Shea 1992

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