All children in school on Tuesday had a photograph taken by Braiswick photographers. These will be available in November.
Year 5 are getting much better at swimming and I hope they continue to practice during the holiday at the Excel Centre.
Year 1 had a fantastic trip to the Memorial Park on Wednesday. The weather and setting was typically autumnal and very British. Good luck to any of our parents in the half marathon on Sunday which is centred at the Memorial Park.
The clocks go back 1 hour on Sunday 25th October at 2am.
When the children return to school on 2nd November please ensure that they bring a suitable warm coat/anorak each day. Children brought to school in cars often forget to bring their coat into school.
On behalf of everyone connected to Leigh CE Primary School, may I wish you a ‘Happy Half Term Holiday’!
23rd October School closed for Teacher Training
2nd November Return to school
16th November Book Week
18th December School closes at 2:30pm for Christmas Holiday
5th January 2010 Return to school