Read the full newsletter here
Our school Advisor/Inspector has been in this week and given us a very positive picture of how the school, as a whole is progressing. We know there is still a lot to do and we are all committed to the school motto of ‘Aim ever Higher”.
There have been so many commendable activities. The Foundation Class and Key Stage 1 Nativity was a great success. The children were all very enthusiastic and sand their socks off! The evening performance was highly memorable and I thank everyone for coming to support the children. A DVD is currently being made of the evening performance. Details will be sent early next week of how to obtain a copy. A big thank you to all the staff for getting the children to an excellent performance level.
Our Year 5 have completed their swimming course with great success. Our Year 6 have completed their recording of soundtracks for songs. We hope some X-Factor talent emerges from the opportunity!!
We still have a busy week ahead of us. Teachers are organising parties for the children on the following days:-
Foundation and Years 1 and 2 – Wednesday afternoon
Year 3 – 15th December
Year 4 – 15th December
Year 5 – 15th December
Year 6 – 16th December.
Children can bring in party clothes to put on, snacks to eat or music CD’s for them to dance to.
We hope lots of parents can join us in St James Church on Thursday at 2pm. Children whose parents attend can go home from the church.
We also hope that a member of the family can join us on Friday 18th December at 1:30pm for our Christingle Service in the School Hall. The children are making Christingles on Thursday in preparation for this lovely service to finish off our busy term. The service will last for about half an hour. Parents attending the Christingle Service can take their child/children home as it finishes. All other children should be collected by 2:30pm on the last day of term.
Hoping your Christmas preparations are going well.