
Newsletter Friday 29th January 2010

Dates and Activities

January is nearly over!  We are glad that the weather has remained consistent this week as we try to catch up on the missing days.

Lots of different activities have taken place this week.  Our Year 2 children visited the ‘Partnership Centre’ to study a topic called ‘The Young Electrician’.  Our Year 4 children had their first music session with professional musician Matt Bramhall and have started work on their Cov Kool Kids presentation.  Eden, Scott and Joe (from Year 6) represented our school at the annual Coventry School’s Year 6 conference at Network Rail and were a real credit to school and families.  All our Year 5 children visited Warwick University for an action packed ‘Science’ day.  Year 3 started their swimming lessons (which will be on every Tuesday until further notice).

Year 1 led a very active assembly for us today.  It is really encouraging to see so many parents attending our Friday assembly.  Our ‘Playgroup’ meets in the school hall afterwards until late morning.  If you have a toddler who requires company on a Friday morning come along and join us at Leigh.

Next week some of our Year 4 and all Year 5 will start a project based on ‘The Tudors’ which culminates in a performance at Coventry Cathedral on Monday 8th March.  Parents are most welcome to attend the afternoon performance (details to follow).

Some of our Year 5 are also involved in a local school’s project called ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ and will be having their second meeting next Friday.

Please remember to send your parent/teacher meeting request back.  Our school closes at 2:30pm on Tuesday 9th February and Wednesday 10th February.  Parent/Teacher meetings start at 4pm and continue until 6:30pm.

Our PTA are organising a Valentine’s Disco for children who attend this school.  The Disco is in our school hall on Thursday 11th February.  Entrance is £2.00 per child.  The disco starts at 6:00pm and will finish promptly at 7:30pm.

Governors have started the process to recruit a new Head Teacher for the school with a National advert being placed in Educational newspapers next week.  The Governors hope to interview suitable candidates in early March.  The Governors would like your input as to what parents are looking for in a Head Teacher, please complete the slip attached to the newsletter or email the school at  and return to the school office by Monday.  Please keep the Governors and staff in your prayers as they seek a permanent Head Teacher for this lovely school.

Newsletter Friday 22nd January 2010

 Diary Dates and Activities

At least we have managed a whole week in school....thank you weather!! It feels like we have started the term now.

We had a really positive start to the week when our 'Fun for Fathers' session took place. We had a brilliant turn out (our highest ever) it looked like everyone enjoyed the Gruffalo experience! We have another session planned for the Summer term.

Our Coventry Diocese architect visited us and soon we will be completing our development plan for the children's play areas and installing other safety features in school.

All the children enjoyed the pantomime Robin Hood in our school hall. The theatre group we employ are top class and will be back in May to perform the second part of the Cosmic Crew story (all the children thoroughly enjoyed the first part).

Our Governors also met this week to deliberate about advertising for a permanent Headteacher for the school. Dr Cuttler, our Chair of Governors will be contacting parents to explain the process.

Some of our children have been having special basketball training for the Hoops for Health initiative. Our Year 4 start their Coventry Cool Kids music work with a professional musician next week. The performance is at the end of March. Details are being sent out regarding parent’s evenings on February 9th and 10th.

The First Newsletter of 2010

Full Newsletter with Diary Dates and Activities

Lots of activities have had to be cancelled or postponed since the start of term.  One re-arranged activity was called the Coventry Inspirational Book Bout.  Mrs Knibb, Mrs Bailey and six of our Year 6 children attended a competition involving eight schools.  The object of the exercise, was to present to the other schools reasons why the book allocated to the school (ours was called Archie’s War) should be the book that children should vote for, to win the competition.  I attended the ‘Bout’ with the children and I was so proud of their presentation.  They were brilliant – so brilliant in fact that the Library Service Managers voted our children’s presentation as the best (awarding all children, and the school with school books as prizes) and the children from other schools voted Archie’s War in to 2nd place, (just two points behind the winner).  Everyone’s efforts were very impressive.  A great start to the term!

Let’s hope the weather is kinder to us from now on.  We’ve had such a stop/start early part of term.  Thank you for your co-operation and understanding regarding our closures this week and last week.  Our two main problems are accessibility to the site and our supply of salt/grit.  Despite many pleas, Plantshill Crescent never seems to get gritted, thus causing dangerous surfaces for anyone trying to access the area.  We only have 2 small grit bins on site which traditionally have contained enough grit/salt to use on site most winters.  This year supplies have been erratic arriving at school, therefore stopping our hard working Site Officer, Mr Malone, from maintaining safe pathways for everyone.  We used the last salt/grit last Friday morning, but then had an emergency delivery.  We do have enough salt/grit left to keep main pathways open.  There is not enough to safely clear playground areas.  We hope for rain and a thaw over the weekend.  To prepare for future times of severe weather we have ordered 2 more grit/salt bins for school use.  This should help in future years.

Healthy Tuck Menu

Yazoo milkshakes strawberry, choc, banana 40p
Fruit Flakes – rasp, straw, blackcurrant 30p
Flavoured raisins – cherry, lemon 30p
Funtime milkshakes – choc, straw, banana 25p
Pure juice – orange, tropical 25p
School bars – blackcurrant, apple, straw, cherry 25p
Water 20p
Spring water and juice – apple, orange, fruits 20p
Fresh fruit (subject to availability) 10p
Small boxes of raisins 10p

Opening Times
8.45-55 Year 1 & 2 (with Mrs Morris)
10.15-25 Reception
10.50-11.05 Years 3-6

The Learning Mentor

Our Learning Mentor

Mrs Brook - School Council, Friendship Squad, Lunchtime Clubs, Share and lots more
Please come in and meet Mrs Brook, she is more than happy to discuss how we can help your child enjoy learning more at school.

We value all our children and consequently have employed a full time Learning Mentor to ensure that all children reach their full potential. Through taking a holistic view of the learning process, a Learning Mentor works to identify barriers to learning for individuals, groups or children as a whole. Then, by working in partnership with families, others professionals (both within school and out of school) they will devise and employ strategies to help remove these barriers.

Mrs Brook is working hard on the following areas:
  • Attendance - working to raise our attendance figures by introducing initiatives to reward full attendance and punctuality.
  • The Children's Achievement Award - raising self-esteem by reward pupils for undertaking extra curricular challenges.
  • Friendship Squad - working in partnership with the West Midland Police to develop links for children between home and school life.
  • School Council - to raise pupil voices, foster independence and develop leadership skills
    Share – Family Learning initiative for reception parents to raise participation and awareness of school life.
  • Lunchtime clubs - as a chance to develop social skills alongside speaking and listening.
  • Posh Nosh - an initiative to reward positive lunchtime behaviour.
  • Drop in sessions - to enable pupils to share any achievements, worries or concerns.

Mentoring is a support strategy used to value individuals to enable them to be all that they can be ~ Shea 1992

School was open Friday 8th January - only the second day this year.

Have a safe weekend - here is the latest weather.

Leigh is CLOSED today on Thursday 7th January 2010

The school is closed for a second day due to ice and snow.

School Opening for Thursday 6th January

A decision will be made early Thursday morning about the opening of Leigh CE Primary School for pupils.

Leigh is CLOSED today on Wednesday 6th January 2010 as bad weather

We will update this page when we know more about Thursday and Friday. 

In the meantime, all Coventry schools are updated at the Coventry City Council website, twitter and facebook.