
Newsletter Friday 16th July 2010

Here we are!  The end of term is 6 school days away!  Where has the year gone?  As you know we are now making preparations for the next year.  All the children know who their teachers are going to be next year.  There may be one change in so much as a new teacher may be recruited at the start of the Summer holiday to commence duties in September.  The teacher is likely to work in Key Stage 1.  Mrs Middleton and Miss Mailer are setting up the school as they require it from September 2010.

Mrs Knott is leaving us after one year in school to take up a new post at St. Andrews CE Infant School.  Mrs Knott has worked closely on supporting our readers in Key Stage 1.  The close support has shown some excellent results.  We wish Mrs Knott every happiness in her new school and thank her for all her work this year.

Mrs Woodward is also leaving us after 5 years at Leigh School.  Mrs Woodward has been unwell for most of the Summer term.  Mrs Woodward is hoping to return to some of our school activities next week to say goodbye.  Mrs Woodward has worked in a variety of roles at this school.  She has been a class teacher in Year 4, a teacher of sets last year and for most of this year in Year 1.  Mrs Woodward has been in charge of Science and all the children remember our Science days.  We thank Mrs Woodward for all her hard work in the past and wish her the very best for her future career.

This week has continued to be a busy one.  On Monday our ‘Artspace’ group attended the grand opening of the ‘art’ that will be on permanent display at the Xcel Centre.  All local schools, in conjunction with professional artists, have created pottery masterpieces, which will be hung on the stair wall of the Xcel Centre.

Lisa Williamson from the Herbert Art Gallery led assembly on Tuesday.  The subject was ‘Apes’ and it previewed an exhibition at the HAG during the Summer holiday.

All of our Year 6 children have now visited their new school.  Mrs Knibb, Mrs Bailey and the class are putting the final touches to their wonderful show called ‘Wishful Thinking’.  This will be performed to parents and children on Monday 19th July at 2pm.  Come along and join us.

Year 5 went to Westwood School on Thursday for a mini Olympics competition, and came away with silver medals – well done Year 5.  EGO theatre and three neighbouring schools visited our Year 6 on Thursday to share their film work.

On Friday Year 6 are spending the day in London and Years 4/5 are going to the Think Tank in Birmingham.  Year 6 are going on the London Eye, a river cruise and a walk through the Westminster area.

Next week, the last week of term, we will be holding certificate presentations to all children.

Monday 9:00am  Reception and Year 1
Tuesday 9:00am Year 2 and 3
Wednesday 9:00am Year 4 and 5

Year 6 will be presented with their certificates and a Leavers Bible at the Leavers Service at St. James Church.  The Service is scheduled to start at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the presentations.  On Friday at 9:00am each of the classes are performing a song and other items for our final assembly of the year.

It will be then be the time for me to say goodbye to all the wonderful pupils of Leigh School. School will close at 2:30pm on Friday 23rd July.  There will be one more newsletter in the middle of next week to confirm arrangements for the start of the next term.

Newsletter Friday 9th July 2010

What a wonderful day we’ve had!  Sports morning went off without hitch.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  The sun shone and the children participated in a variety of sporting activities.  The staff have been brilliant organising all the sports.  Thank you Mr Robinson for setting up and sorting out such a superb morning.  Many thanks to all parents, relatives and friends of the children who came along and supported.

On Tuesday, we hosted a ‘Performance Morning’ and five other schools from Coventry came to Leigh School to show a variety of dance, drama and film making projects connected with the Cov Kool Kids initiative.  Our Year 2 dancers performed brilliantly.  Many thanks to Miss Benwell and Mrs Malone for continuing Chris’ practice and ideas.

A group of 12 Canadian teachers also visited the school to see how we organise Primary Education in England.  They were very impressed with the school and asked lots of questions and took lots of photographs of our displays.

On Tuesday afternoon our ‘Artspace’ group went to Westwood School to continue their joint project which will be displayed at the Xcel Centre.

Our new Reception class children came into school for a morning and had lunch.

On Thursday our Year 2 children went on a visit to Coventry Cathedral.  It was an interesting visit for everyone.  In the afternoon our ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ project group went to Westwood School for the launch of a special behaviour charter which is to be adopted in local primary schools.  Our children have contributed a lot to the project and I thank Mrs Brook for organising the project.

Next week our Artspace work is being shown at the Xcel Centre.  The grand opening is at 11am.  Please join us if you can.

On Wednesday the children will find out which their teacher will be next year and spend the morning with them.  Our Year 6 children are going to Coventry Secondary Schools so they will not be in all day.  Year 6 children going to the Heart of England should come to school as usual.

Year 6 London Trip Reminder

Thank you for returning your slips regarding arrangements for the London trip on Friday 16th July.

Several adults have indicated that they want to come on the coach to London and visit the London Eye and have a River Cruise.

The total cost for each child is now £32.50 which includes transportation to London on a Harry Shaw coach, a flight in a private pod on the London Eye and a cruise on the River Thames. There will also be a sightseeing tour on the coach. If all goes well with timings, we will also be able to have a walking tour of the Westminster area of London, seeing the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Downing Street, Changing the Guard at Horse Guards Parade, Nelson’s Column and Trafalgar Square.

The coach is booked to leave school at 7:45am promptly and leave London at 5:30pm to arrive back at school at 8:00pm approximately. If you would like the school to provide a packed lunch please indicate on the slip.

The total cost for each adult going on the trip is £45.00, which consists of the fare to London and subsidised adult prices for the London Eye and River Cruise.

We have had to pay for parts of the trip in advance and therefore would greatly appreciate the cost of the trip for adults and children to be paid in as soon as possible.

I’m sure everyone will have a great experience and memorable day out.

Now that we are able to set the cost please return the attached slip. If a consent form is attached to this letter, please complete and return with the payment.

Newsletter Friday 2nd July 2010

We have had another busy week at Leigh! Our Year 6 pupils had two transition days at Heart of England School.

A group of our children have finished the art project which will be displayed at the Xcel Centre.

Some of our Year 5/6 children spent a morning at Tile Hill Wood School and are now officially trained as ‘Language Leaders’ (Foreign Languages).

Some of our Year 4 children played in a T-Ball competition at Woodfield School and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Our new Reception class children spent another afternoon at Leigh preparing for their inclusion in the school from September.

Year 2 have completed their practice for their performance of their ‘Dance’ in the Cov Kool Kids show.  Lots of children from other schools will be here on Tuesday to share their performances.  Year 2 will perform their ‘Dance’ to parents, friends and the whole school next Friday at 2:30pm.  After this performance our Year 5 African Drum Group will play.

Some of our Year 4/5 children who visited Warwick University last week spent a day with professional artist Jo Buffery to work on their ‘Hoarding Project’ for display at the University.

Next week we will be holding our ‘Sports Morning’ on Friday 9th July.  All are welcome to support.  In the evening our PTA will hold their combined Summer Fair (starts now at 6:15pm) followed by the Family Disco from 7pm-8:45pm.  Please purchase your tickets by Wednesday.


To start preparing for this years summer fete we are asking if you would be kind enough to send in bottles/tins for a tombola, or old books (adults or children’s) for a book sale, from next week.

Your generosity over the years has always overwhelmed us and we hope you are able to support the PTA once more.