
Newsletter Friday 2nd July 2010

We have had another busy week at Leigh! Our Year 6 pupils had two transition days at Heart of England School.

A group of our children have finished the art project which will be displayed at the Xcel Centre.

Some of our Year 5/6 children spent a morning at Tile Hill Wood School and are now officially trained as ‘Language Leaders’ (Foreign Languages).

Some of our Year 4 children played in a T-Ball competition at Woodfield School and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Our new Reception class children spent another afternoon at Leigh preparing for their inclusion in the school from September.

Year 2 have completed their practice for their performance of their ‘Dance’ in the Cov Kool Kids show.  Lots of children from other schools will be here on Tuesday to share their performances.  Year 2 will perform their ‘Dance’ to parents, friends and the whole school next Friday at 2:30pm.  After this performance our Year 5 African Drum Group will play.

Some of our Year 4/5 children who visited Warwick University last week spent a day with professional artist Jo Buffery to work on their ‘Hoarding Project’ for display at the University.

Next week we will be holding our ‘Sports Morning’ on Friday 9th July.  All are welcome to support.  In the evening our PTA will hold their combined Summer Fair (starts now at 6:15pm) followed by the Family Disco from 7pm-8:45pm.  Please purchase your tickets by Wednesday.

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