
Newsletter Friday 11th June 2010

I hope everyone enjoyed the half term holiday with the children. Leigh School has been a hive of activity this week. We returned to school to find out that the boys football team had won on the last day of last half term. The boys played brilliantly and beat Allesley Hall Primary 4-0. The boys have had a fairly successful season winning 3 and losing 2 of their games. Whatever the results the boys have always given 100%. I’m sure that you’ll all be wishing the same for England as they start their quest for the World Cup.

There has been a buzz of activity in school this week with Year 6 working with the EGO Theatre on their film making project. Twelve children from Year 5 have been going to the Bubble Chamber each day to rehearse for next week’s Coventry Mystery Plays. Their dance teacher works the class extremely hard and the children (and their teacher) return to school exhausted! Some of our Keystage 2 children have also had the opportunity to have intensive swimming lessons. Cycle training has also started on a weekly basis for our Year 5 children.

During the week I attended the annual ‘Cross of Nails’ service at Coventry Cathedral with some of our pupils. It was amazing to see the Cathedral full of youngsters from schools that have, or aspire to have the ‘Cross of Nails’. We played a recording of one of our Peace Songs which were composed by Year 5 and recorded, with a musical soundtrack by Matt Bramhall. Everyone seemed to like our ‘SOS’ song.

On Friday all of our Foundation Class, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 went on a day trip to the ‘Conkers’ experience. We also hosted 25 children from Westwood School and local Primary schools working on the ‘Schools of Sanctuary’ project. The group have worked together to establish a ‘charter’ to be used at each schoo.

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