
Newsletter Friday 25th June 2010

The sun has shone! England has won! What more do we want? As usual we’ve had a really busy week at Leigh.

On Monday our ‘new’ Reception parents met in school with Miss Askew, their teacher for next year. It was good to see Mrs Middleton, the new Head Teacher of Leigh CE Primary in school to meet staff and our ‘new’ parents. Thank you to Miss Scrimshaw, our Parent Governor, who also came in.

On Tuesday Karen Berry led assembly with her puppets. Year 5 went to the Partnership Centre to study Tudor Homes.

On Wednesday our Coventry Diocese Education visitor, Hazel Smith, visited the school to make her final report on the school. Everyone should be encouraged by the report that Hazel wrote, which includes this statement:-

“This was an impressive visit to the school. It has had many ups and downs over past years, but it presents itself today as a bright, loving and caring environment in which to nurture these young people”

A lot of work by a lot of people has enabled this comment to be written and I thank them all very, very much.

On Thursday eight of our children spent an afternoon in the Microscopy section of the Physics department of Warwick University. They were able to study a variety of ‘dead’ things under the powerful microscopes.

Today fourteen of our best attending children in KS2 (Classes 3, 4, 5 and 6) went to the Belgrade Theatre to see ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

Let’s hope everyone has a great weekend and that the match against Germany doesn’t go to penalties again!!

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