
Read the full newsletter here

What a packed week of different activities at Leigh! Our Year 6 had a brilliant first lesson on producing electronic music at Coventry Transport Museum. We are really looking forward to hearing the finished piece.

Year 5 have continued their Cov Kool Kids project and have written 2 songs about Peace and Reconciliation which they are performing in December. Year 5's swimming is also progressing very well. It was good to see so many friends and parents supporting their assembly on Thursday. Everyone was very proud of them.

We had a lot of visitors to our school on Tuesday who were all interested in why our school has the 'Cross of Nails' award from Coventry Cathedral. They all complemented the school on the way in which things have been set up here.

Thank you for supporting our Book Fair, you helped raise over £40 worth of books for our school.

We had some quiet, thoughtful assemblies regarding 'Remembrance' and the children should have a good idea about the reasons we wear poppies and why we are silent for two minutes. Thank you for supporting the non-uniform day. So far we have raised £174.30, which will go directly to the Forces Children's Charity, an organisation that supports the children of members of our Armed Forces who have been killed or maimed.

We always take Bullying seriously at Leigh and as such have arranged on Friday for children to have cyber bullying talks with our local community police. We have also signed up to the new Coventry Anti-Bullying week and book week. All the children are asked to dress up as a character from a book, comic, story or poem on Wednesday 18th November.

It is also Children in Need day on Friday 20lh November. We are asking each class to raise funds before Christmas to send to this worthy organisation.

We have had some wonderful staff news this week. Mr Robinson has become a father to a new born baby boy this week. Mum, baby and dad are all doing well. Mr Robinson's class is being taken by Mr Downes for 2 weeks while Mr Robinson takes paternity leave. Year 4 assembly will be re-scheduled from next week to a date in the future.

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