
Newsletter 26th February 2010

Newsletter in full with dates

I hope everyone had an enjoyable half term with their children. It was a bonus for everyone (well children mostly!) to have snow on the ground last Friday. It was nice for me not to feel guilty for having to think about closing the school as it was already half term!

We restarted school on Monday with 162 children on roll, the highest number for several years. Thank you to parents who are spreading the good news about our school.

Next week is an important week for our school, as the Governors are interviewing candidates for the vacant “permanent” Headship of this lovely school. I have really enjoyed being Acting Head for what will be 3 years and will leave with many fond memories. The school has had 3 Acting Heads since 2006 and it is now the right time for another person to take the helm and lead the school forward at this exciting time in education. The Governors will be informing you of the outcome of the interviews as soon as possible. Please keep the Governors in your prayers this week.

It has been a very busy week again. All our children enjoyed 'Speedmark'. The highest child score was 44mph (the speed at which a football was kicked). Please send in your sponsor money as soon as possible.
Next week March begins! Our Year 6 are attending a dress rehearsal of the popular musical Oliver at Woodlands School on Tuesday. On Friday Matt Bramhall, the musician who has been working with our Year 4 children on the Cov Kool Kids project, is performing with his band at our Friday morning assembly from 9:30am – unfortunately Toddler Group will be cancelled this day, please accept our sincere apologies. Parents are welcome to join us from 9am on Friday to watch our assembly.

Newletter Friday 12th February 2010

Diary and Activities

The end of half term and we are also half way through the academic year.

During this week we have had assemblies about ‘being safe on the internet’, how to join in the Speedmark event, Love (Valentine’s day) led by Rev. Steve Burch and a very entertaining presentation assembly when our youngest children performed a Chinese New Year Dragon dance.

I’m so glad so many parents could attend our parent-teacher conference to find out about your child’s progress.

Our year 4/5 girls had a very interesting visit to Tile Hill Wood School to meet Sarah Webb, an author who writes especially for girls.  She was very inspirational and motivated some girls to say ‘… when I grow up I want to be a writer’.

Our year 6 took part in a Cricket Festival at Coventry Connexion with some success – Well done.

We have re-arranged our ‘Houses’ at Leigh and the children will now be assigned to Starley, Whittle or (our new house) Singer.  Children will have new badges and we will start with house points after half-term.

Our PTA held a very successful Valentine Disco.  The children enjoyed themselves and it looks like we’ll have another Disco in late March.

Our Year 6 have had a CD produced with electronic music that they composed at the Partnership Centre.  The whole school heard the first track today and everyone was suitable impressed.  All of our Year 6 will have their own copy – Radio 1 – here we come!!

Our Foundation Stage outdoor play area has had an extension made to the canopy to enable our youngest children to access the play areas without being too cold.

Have a lovely half-term holiday

School re-opens on Monday  22nd February 2010

Headteacher Required for September 2010

Here is the advert that is now appearing in the national educational newspapers (click the image for a larger view).

Leigh Church of England School is proud of our:  Pupils and their achievements, Hardworking, talented and dedicated staff, Success in reflecting the ethos and values of a Church of England Voluntary Aided school, Effective partnership with parents, local churches and the wider community and a Strong, caring and supportive learning environment where all can thrive.
    The ideal candidate will be: An effective and experienced senior manager with the energy, personal resources and passion, to lead and inspire staff.  A creative and inspirational teacher. Excited by education and the opportunity to work in a Church school that really makes a difference to children's life chances. Dedicated to improving the school and continuing to raise pupil achievement and aspirations. And an excellent communicator - able to work in partnership with parents, governors and the wider community.

      Visits to the school are welcome and can be made through the Acting Headteacher 02476 464475 or

      Application details and further particulars are available from: or call our jobs line: 024 7683 3030 minicom: 024 7683 3487 (for hearing impaired callers).

      Closing date: 19 February 2010.  Ref: YP/001/10

      You can also visit our website at

      Welcome to the Leigh C of E Primary School Website

      This prospectus will help you find out more about the life and work at Leigh. We hope it will be useful to answer some of the questions you may have.

      If after reading our prospectus you would like to visit us, you would be most welcome to come and look around the school. To make an appointment, call tel 02476 464475

      To read the new School Prospectus click on the image on the left or click here