
Newletter Friday 12th February 2010

Diary and Activities

The end of half term and we are also half way through the academic year.

During this week we have had assemblies about ‘being safe on the internet’, how to join in the Speedmark event, Love (Valentine’s day) led by Rev. Steve Burch and a very entertaining presentation assembly when our youngest children performed a Chinese New Year Dragon dance.

I’m so glad so many parents could attend our parent-teacher conference to find out about your child’s progress.

Our year 4/5 girls had a very interesting visit to Tile Hill Wood School to meet Sarah Webb, an author who writes especially for girls.  She was very inspirational and motivated some girls to say ‘… when I grow up I want to be a writer’.

Our year 6 took part in a Cricket Festival at Coventry Connexion with some success – Well done.

We have re-arranged our ‘Houses’ at Leigh and the children will now be assigned to Starley, Whittle or (our new house) Singer.  Children will have new badges and we will start with house points after half-term.

Our PTA held a very successful Valentine Disco.  The children enjoyed themselves and it looks like we’ll have another Disco in late March.

Our Year 6 have had a CD produced with electronic music that they composed at the Partnership Centre.  The whole school heard the first track today and everyone was suitable impressed.  All of our Year 6 will have their own copy – Radio 1 – here we come!!

Our Foundation Stage outdoor play area has had an extension made to the canopy to enable our youngest children to access the play areas without being too cold.

Have a lovely half-term holiday

School re-opens on Monday  22nd February 2010

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