
Newsletter 26th February 2010

Newsletter in full with dates

I hope everyone had an enjoyable half term with their children. It was a bonus for everyone (well children mostly!) to have snow on the ground last Friday. It was nice for me not to feel guilty for having to think about closing the school as it was already half term!

We restarted school on Monday with 162 children on roll, the highest number for several years. Thank you to parents who are spreading the good news about our school.

Next week is an important week for our school, as the Governors are interviewing candidates for the vacant “permanent” Headship of this lovely school. I have really enjoyed being Acting Head for what will be 3 years and will leave with many fond memories. The school has had 3 Acting Heads since 2006 and it is now the right time for another person to take the helm and lead the school forward at this exciting time in education. The Governors will be informing you of the outcome of the interviews as soon as possible. Please keep the Governors in your prayers this week.

It has been a very busy week again. All our children enjoyed 'Speedmark'. The highest child score was 44mph (the speed at which a football was kicked). Please send in your sponsor money as soon as possible.
Next week March begins! Our Year 6 are attending a dress rehearsal of the popular musical Oliver at Woodlands School on Tuesday. On Friday Matt Bramhall, the musician who has been working with our Year 4 children on the Cov Kool Kids project, is performing with his band at our Friday morning assembly from 9:30am – unfortunately Toddler Group will be cancelled this day, please accept our sincere apologies. Parents are welcome to join us from 9am on Friday to watch our assembly.

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