
Full Newsletter click here

What a wonderful end to the week with International Day. All the children seem to have enjoyed a focus on a different country and expanded their knowledge of food, places of interest, art forms and music.

Our after school clubs have now started. Year 6 children are progressing well with their cycling awareness course. Year 5 commenced their swimming tuition this week and all tried hard to improve their swimming. Year 5 have also worked with Matt Bramhall on a project called ‘Cov Kool Kids’. The project focuses on ‘Peace and Reconciliation’ and will finish with a musical performance in December 2009. Year 6 also started to learn to play African drums this week.

We had a fire drill this week. All the children and staff left the building in an orderly way. Congratulations to our Foundation Stage for being so sensible and leaving the building so well.

We have new staff to welcome to Leigh School. Mrs J Knott has joined us to work with Years 1 and 2 on a special project called Reading Recovery and will also be working with all other classes while based in our Library. Miss S Rehman has also joined us as a teaching assistant in Year 3. Our new cleaner is Mrs Walker. We warmly welcome them all to our school and hope they have a rewarding time working at our school.

Next week Year 6 parents are invited to a pre-SATs meeting on Monday 28th September between 6pm-7pm. This is an important meeting and we would appreciate it if at least one parent for each Year 6 child can attend.

On Tuesday 29th September we will be saying farewell to Father Brian from St. Oswald’s Church who will be retiring on the same day. All parents are welcome to come to our assembly at 8:55am to say goodbye.

On Friday our class assemblies start. Year 1 will be leading assembly on 2nd October. Please come along and support the children if you can.  I hope the weather stays fine for this weekend.
Dear Parents,

This week has been an exciting and eventful one. Our Foundation children completed their first full day at Leigh on Thursday and have already been busy learning their letters and sounds. The children are settling in well and are excited to share what they have learned.

Sadly we are losing some of our valued governors due to personal circumstances. All the staff would like to say a big thank you to: Lesley Abbott, Ben Drew, Dave Batten, Sarah Gamble and Hazel Thomas for all their hard work and commitment over the years to support the school. If any parents would be interested in joining the governing body at Leigh' please see the office staff or myself for more details.

Children thoroughly enjoyed a performance called 'Digging The Dirt' by Artefact. All year groups have begun with a history topic this term and the production focused on the importance of using artefacts found by archaeologists to help us to understand the past and link them to historical facts.

We are delighted with the attendance figures so far. To help support us in achieving excellent attendance, could I please remind parents that children need to be on time and in school by 8:50am.

Could I just ask parents to remind their children that they do need to bring their P.E. kit in to school if they haven't already, as some children have forgotten them.

As some of you may be aware, we hold our weekly celebration assemblies on Fridays. Parents are welcome to attend and they begin at 9:00am. From October 2nd, each class will take turns to perform their class assembly and we would like to encourage as many parents as possible to participate and support their children.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Mailer ~ Deputy Head Teacher

Each week one child from each class will be awarded with ‘Posh Nosh’ for good manners and general good behaviour at lunchtime.

Their reward is to be served their dinner and sit at a table, with tablecloth, posh glasses and their very own name card, with Mr Steward and another member of staff.

The children are chosen every Friday and have the reward on the following Tuesday.

Posh Nosh
15th September

La-Sian Gault
Lucy Gamble
Christian Osborne
Reace Dixon
Shannon Richardson
Eden Robinson

Posh Nosh
22nd September

Elice Griffin-Bridge
Alex Davies
Demi Quinlivan
Kitti Swift
Megan Atkinson
Peter Sweeney
Alix Twigg

A big thank you to Mrs Morris who has taken over the Healthy Tuck Shop every morning.

Year 1 and Year 2 are now buying their tuck in the morning before registration. If any child arrives late, unfortunately they will not receive tuck that day.

This week, children have been preparing speeches to put themselves forward as a School Councillor for their school. Once they had read their speech in class, the rest of the class then voted for who they wanted as their school councillor.

The results are as follows:-

Year 2
Jacob Drew
Hollie Simpson

Year 3
Rosie Andreassen
Ethan Davies

Year 4
Kieton Pratt
Lydia Drew

Year 5
Amy Ratcliffe
Jack Hughes

Year 6
Alix Twigg
Courtney Kemp
Bradley Williams
Joe Whinnery

Congratulations to you all, we hope you come up with some good ideas to improve our school.

Mrs Robertson will shortly be absent from school due to another operation on her knee. Mrs Robertson has kindly offered to knit some handpuppets to put in the Christmas Shoe Box appeal during her recovery period. If anyone has any spare bits of wool lying around the house, please could you send it in to school, to keep her busy during her recovery!

Please remember Mrs Robertson in your prayers. We hope the operation is a success.


It is with great sadness that we share the news of the departure of Lucy and James Gamble and family. The Gamble 5 are moving to Leicester for work related reasons.

Sarah Gamble has decided to have an ‘Open House’ next Thursday from 10:30, and invites anyone who would like to pop in for coffee, cake and to say their goodbyes, she would love to see you there. Please contact the school for the address in Tile Hill Village.


Congratulations to Corben Brett, Year 1, and family who celebrated the birth of Isaac.

Isaac arrived safely on the 2nd September, weighing 7lb 3oz. Mother and son doing well.

Congratulations from all at Leigh.


Please could you all check at home to see if your child has brought a Ben Ten back pack and lunch box home by mistake.

These have been missing for a few days now, and the child is very upset as they were bought new for his new school year.

Please drop them into the school office (in confidence!) if you have them – accidents happen!
School Activities ~ Click here

Please note that the activities above are on offer to our children beginning week commencing 21st September.

Please could you complete and return the slip to book a place for your child for any of these activities.

If there is a charge for the activity, it is because we have had to bring in a qualified coach. The cost quoted is for half a term until the October holiday. Please remember to send the money for these activities with the slip.
The Governors Welcome you to Leigh Church of England Primary School

As a governing body, we work with the school to ensure that we are continually progressing towards excellence in every aspect of school life, whilst ensuring that every child continues to be well cared for and achieves their full potential.

We believe it is important to maintain a broad perspective on education, going beyond the purely academic, and staff, children, parents and others contribute to this in many different ways, e.g. drama, sports clubs, PTA events, etc.

Children enjoy being here and there is a lovely atmosphere in the school which is often commented on by visitors.

In summary, we want Leigh to be a place we are proud of, a place to which parents are eager to send their children, knowing that it will provide a springboard into what lies ahead of them and a solid foundation for the rest of their lives.

Chair: Dr David Cuttler
Vice Chair: Lynne Walden
Parent Governor: Vacant

If you would like to discuss any matters arising about the school with the Governing Body, please contact the headteacher or school office who will be pleased to arrange an appointment for you.
Classes for 2009-10

Reception ~ Miss Askew & Mrs Poole
Year 1 ~ Mrs Portrey, Mrs Woodward & Mrs Elford
Year 2 ~ Miss Benwell & Mrs Malone
Year 3 ~ Mr Cledwyn & Miss Rehman
Year 4 ~ Mr Robinson & Mrs Abbott
Year 5 ~ Miss Mailer & Mrs Robertson
Year 6 ~ Mrs Knibb & Mrs Bailey

Year 6 ~ Mrs Knibb & Mrs Bailey

Year 5 ~ Miss Mailer & Mrs Robertson

Year 2 ~ Miss Benwell & Mrs Malone

Year 1 ~ Mrs Portrey, Mrs Woodward & Mrs Elford

Reception ~ Miss Askew & Mrs Poole


Dear Parents,

Welcome back to another exciting year at Leigh Primary School. During the Summer Holidays we have had some refurbishment take place of the children’s play areas and some pathways. Inside the building we have had additional storage space constructed in our main hall. We have now returned to single age classes and all classrooms are now occupied by a class, as well as their teacher and teaching assistant. A bicycle storage area is to be constructed this term.

We warmly welcome 3 new members of teaching staff. Miss Mailer has joined us from St Christopher Primary School in Coventry and is our new Deputy Headteacher and Year 5 teacher. In my absence from school, please refer any urgent problems to Miss Mailer. Mr Cledwyn has joined us as class teacher in Year 3. Mr Cledwyn has taught in a variety of Coventry schools and is looking forward to teaching Year 3 this year. Mrs Knott has joined us from St Bartholomews CE Primary School to set up a Reading Recovery programme for children in Years 1 and 2 and will be working with parents and individual children to improve reading.

At lunchtime we are now joined by Mrs Morris and Miss Hemmings so that each class has its own supervisor.

At the end of this week we have 155 children on role, the highest number for several years.

Our Foundation Stage class have started their educational experiences at Leigh and will be coming in full time next Thursday. Our Foundation Stage class is nearly full.

All the children in school look very smart and well turned out. Thank you. I do hope that all children in Leigh School will wear a sweatshirt/cardigan with a school logo on it as soon as possible. We do have some nearly new sweatshirts/cardigans for sale if parents wish to purchase from the school.

Our school looks brilliant at the moment. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Malone for putting in so much extra time to get it ready for our September start.

We have a busy term ahead of us. Some significant dates for your diary already decided upon are enclosed with this newsletter.

I am looking forward to extending the educational opportunities of all children this year. We are involved in a special project with Warwick Arts Centre called Cov Kool Kids with Years 2, 4 and 5, being involved this academic year. We have also chosen to be part of a group of 50 schools spread across England who are pioneering a project that we call ASPIRE. Our aim is to give rich educational experiences to all our children while working closely with Warwick University.

Happy New School Year to one and all!

Mr R W Steward

Bringing bicycles to school

We work very closely with Coventry Council and their cycling awareness team. All children in Year 6 have started cycling training in school time. All Year 6 who pass the awareness course will be able to cycle to school on their own (with parental permission). Any child in Years 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 coming to school on a bicycle must be escorted. In order to comply with advice given by the Council’s cycling awareness team all children should wear a suitable helmet for protection to and from school. We are in the process of having a bicycle storage area being made. It will not have sufficient space for every bicycle, so priority will be given to Year 6 children if too many bicycles appear on any given day.
A sad farewell to Morgan Forshew in Year 5. Morgan is leaving to attend a school closer to home.

Morgan will be missed by staff and children alike, but our prayer for her is that she will be happy and make lots of new friends at her new school.

Good luck Morgan!
14th October
School closes at 2:30pm for Teachers to meet parents to discuss children’s progress

20th October
Whole school photograph session

21st October
School closes at 2:30pm for Teachers to meet parents to discuss children’s progress

22nd October
School closes at 3:30pm for Half Term

23rd October
School closed for Teacher Training

18th December
School closes at 2:30pm for Christmas Holiday

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Thursday 19th November

~ Assembly ~

French: go to this web site, follow mini videos, from numbers 7-12

then menu page for next activities, copy key words into languages book.

Litercay:  Newspaper report writing.  Using what, when, where, who, why and how?  Write up yesterdays book day activities as if you are were reporters.  Write it with headline, subheading and the story.  see any cbbc newsround story for layout at:

~ Break ~

Numeracy:  Target maths - any division practice, see teacher desk for mini speed tables grids for tables practice.

~ Lunch ~

PSHE - (see SEAL folder)

Science  - (yesterdays lesson was investigating uses magnets)

Unit 3E Magnets and springs

•    to investigate an aspect of the behaviour of magnets
•    to plan a fair test and decide what to measure and what equipment to use
•    to make and record measurements
•    to draw conclusions
•    Present children with several magnets and ask them to find out whether they are all equally strong. Ask children to suggest how they will decide which magnet is strongest eg by seeing how many paper clips a magnet can hold in a chain or by finding out how close a paper clip has to be to a magnet and help them to carry out an investigation.
Present children with a magnet and a variety of materials eg card, fabric, aluminium foil, thin wood, water, iron and ask them to find out whether magnets work through these materials. Help them to decide what they will do and help them to carry out an investigation. Ask children to tell others about what their investigation showed.
•    explain how their test is fair eg using the same size paper clips or the same magnet each time
•    make accurate observations or measurements eg of the number of paper clips picked up or of the distance between the magnet and the paper clips
•    explain what their results show eg I thought the biggest magnet would be strongest but it only picked up six clips. The smallest magnet picked up eight so it was strongest, I tried different thicknesses of card but the magnet worked through them all but it didn’t work through an iron can lid